The awkwardness. The anxiety. The sweaty palms. Ah, the joys of a blind date. But then there's the laughing about it afterward with friends, and doesn't that make it all better?A hilarious collection of more than 50 true stories of dates gone crazily wrongโthough sometimes with a happy endingโ My Blind Date Went Blind! is as much fun as sharing stories with a best friend. Here's the date who shows up with his soon-to-be ex-wife in the backseat. The date who thinks it's sexy to eat a bowl of noodles in one mouthful, tearing off the dangling ends with both hands. The date who canโt pay for the $2.00 matinee when he discovers the price went up to $3.00. The forgetful woman who administers the same pop quizโ Can you spell "segue"? Who is Frank Lloyd Wright? โtwo dates in a row. The rabid Harry Potter fan who just won't stop calling (with updates about his therapeutic progress). And the date of the title, who loses his vision in the middle of dinnerโa literal moment of hysterical blindnessโand needs to be walked home. (Oh, and he wasn't able to pay the check either, of course.)
With sidebars including Worst Pickup Lines Ever and Very Bad Movie Choices for First Dates, it is the perfect antidote to the dating You just have to laugh. ISBN:9780761155416