Imam al-Ghazali's book on Hajj includes a summary of the essential inner provisions that must be part of everyone's daily life journey whether performing the pilgrimage or not. While conveying the deeper significance and spirit of the Hajj rites, this work highlights teachings which may not only strengthen character but also might provide the whole family with a firmer foundation for spiritual growth.This adaptation of al-Ghazali's Book on the Mysteries of the Pilgrimage is not written in a language for young children. Parents and teachers can easily adjust the important and relevant teachings which the book contains for little ones, although a special section is included for them. Wherever possible, we have included al Ghazali's own words rather than paraphrase them, in order that the reader can enjoy his wonderful way of expressing ideas. This is indicated by the use of single (* and ') quotation marks.
Clearly, we could not include all the beautiful supplications and prayers in this version for young people. These are available in the educator/pilgrim's accompanying translation from the original Arabic, as well as Hajj details of matters specifically for adults.