The geographical entries in this book are drawn from the computer database of Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition. The extraction has not, however, been a purely mechanical one: all entries have been carefully scrutinized, reevaluated, and, where necessary, updated.
Unlike many competing works, this geographical dictionary includes entries from various categories outside the strictly geographical. Here you will find place names from the world's religions, mythologies, and folklore; places from the Bible, world literature, and popular culture; and nicknames. in addition, etymologies are included for more than 1,400 entries.
The typical geographical entry consists of the place name, pronunciation, and definition. Boldface entry names are divided into syllables by centered dots; if at all possible, however, written or printed proper names should not be divided at line ends.
Pinyin transcriptions are given for all Chinese entries; alternate transcriptions of longstanding convention are also shown.