This book is living theology made simple and down to earth. This is vintage Lawrence Seow; hard-hitting, straight talking, yet mellowed by a deep concern for Christians to be pleasing to God and effective in these challenging times we are living in. His style is witty and engaging; offering much pithy insight into practical matters that concern all of us. Here is no ivory tower theologian, but a fellow-pilgrim traveling the same road.
There are many things he says in this book that I am sure you will say a hearty "Amen!" to, but you may sometimes say. "Ouch!" when you take a direct hit. I urge you to keep your heart open, keep on reading, and it will be good for your soul. Wasn't it Ezekiel who wrote somewhere that when he "ate" God's word, it was bitter at first, but became sweet later?
I commend this book heartily to all. I trust that as you read it, you will find gems and nuggets of truth that will bless you. Enjoy!
Reverend Philip Chan Bible Lecturer