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A World To Win

By: Nate Krupp

Book Condition: Acceptable
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[Additional description of the book: There's a hole on the front cover.]

A Holy-Spirit-directed revolution is in progress! It is calling the Church seriously, soberly, and drastically to change priorities, patterns, and methods in order that a world-every creature-might be evangelized in this generation.

Much of this revolution, or reformation, centers around methods and patterns of evangelism with a growing realization that the Church must return to the New Testament patterns: evangelism done by everybody (not just pastors and evangelists), done everywhere (not just at the church building), and done all the time (not just a few weeks out of the year). It is in the furtherance of this reformation that this book has been written.

The author will be the first to admit that this presentation is far from complete. An entire book could be written on the subject of each chapter. This is, however, a book prepared to give, briefly and simply, a broad yet basic presentation of the personal approach to evangelism, the associated task of mobilizing the entire Church for it, and the implications this has upon the total evangelization of the entire world. This book is directed primarily to the pastor, for he is the key in the contemporary reformation. It can be used as a study guide for pastors' seminars on personal evangelism, with ministerial students in Christian schools, and by the individual pastor or lay person for personal study.

Additional information

Weight 110 g
Dimensions 199 × 128 × 7 mm




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