The author of Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, the book that sold faster than any other volume in hard-cover publishing history, has written a new book addressed primarily to women, but which will also instruct every man who wants to know more about women and their needs. By using the information in this book, anyone can learn how to win love and achieve a more vibrant, fulfilling sex life.
With his usual informal wit and irreverent contempt for moral hypocrisy, Dr Reuben offers a wealth of sound, practical advice for women- single, widowed, divorced or married-on how to improve their lives. He sets up specific guidelines that show a woman how to find and stay with the man she wants and get more pleasure from her relationship with him.
Using his years of experience as a psychiatrist, and documenting his beliefs with detailed case studies, Dr Reuben tells women:
โข How to beat society's practice of sexual repression and discrimination
โข How to meet eligible men (and spot those who aren't)
โข How to make the man you'd like to marry want to marry you
โข How to find fulfilling alternatives to marriage, if necessary
โข How to renew and refresh a marriage
He discusses, among many matters, why some women avoid marriage; tells how divorce can actually help a woman towards sexual fulfillment; tells what attracts women to men (good looks are not paramount); and how to kindle a man's interest, maintain a husband's sexual excitement, and alleviate the sexual insecurities of the male.