After a series of brutal murders rocks Gotham City, Batman begins to realize that perhaps these crimes go far deeper than appearances suggest. As the Caped Crusader begins to unravel this deadly mystery, he discovers a conspiracy going back to his youth and beyond to the origins of the city heโs sworn to protect.Batman has heard tales of Gotham Cityโs Court of Owls: that the members of this powerful cabal are the true rulers of Gotham. The Dark Knight dismissed the stories as rumors and old wivesโ tales. Gotham was his city. Until now.
A brutal assassin is sinking his razor-sharp talons into the cityโs best and brightest, as well as its most dangerous and deadly. If the dark legends are true, his masters are more powerful predators than the Batman could ever imagine.
Collects: Batman #1-7. ISBN:9781401235413