Zach Barrows is an ambitious young White House staffer whose career takes an unexpected turn when he's partnered with Nathaniel Cade, a secret agent sworn to protect the President. But Cade is no ordinary civil servant. Bound by a special blood oath, he is a vampire.
In 1867 a man accused of vampirism was tried for murder and sentenced to death. He was then pardoned by President Andrew Johnson. However, Nathanial Cade's pardon came at a price. In return for his freedom Cade swore a blood oath to protect America and the Presidential line from their supernatural enemies.
Cade battles nightmares before they can break into the daylight world of the American dream, enemies far stranger-and far more dangerous-than civilians have ever imagined.
Blood Oath is the first in a series of novels featuring Nathaniel Cade-the President's vampire.