Paulo Freire argued that critical consciousness was a necessary feature of a liberatory education. By critical consciousness, he meant the ability to recognize the economic, political and social contradictions that create, benefit ana maintain an oppressive social order. This critical consciousness, accompanied by social action, was aimed at bringing about the freedom and a just social order. Critical consciousness provides the tools through which learners can engage and shape their world.With this collection of book reviews, J.Progler aims to raise critical consciousness about contemporary economic, social and political problems that could be seen as remnants of the old physical order of colonialism, and which constitute instead a more subtle but ongoing form of intellectual colonialism.
The books fall into several categories, including politics, media studies, education and current events. Several of the books are rigorous scholarly treatises rooted in specific academic disciplines, such as anthropology, history and sociology, and written for a specialized university students and other academics, while others are intended for more or less popular audiences with an eye toward social activism. There are just as many theoretical as there are practical titles, and there are also a few literary works. Such a blend of outlooks, styles and topics is necessary for developing critical consciousness, in particular for a general readers, because each style and topic offers its own way of looking at, analyzing and commenting upon the economic, political and social realities of the world today. ISBN:9789833046089