This book is the story of a journey in search of some basic truths about war and peace, and why love and laughter thrive so near to death. It is part memoir, part narrative, part history. Almost twenty years have passed since I began, and a good many people helped me along the way. I am grateful to them all, and offer the excuse of a poor memory to anyone whose contributions I fail to acknowledge.
Many veterans of the Vietnam War helped in different ways in the course of my writing this book, among them Tom Bird, Charles Clements, Bernard Edelman, Arthur Egendorf, Jack Fuller, Winston Groom, Robert Kerrey, Robert Muller, Robert Nylen, Tim O'Brien, Al Santoli, Robert Santos, Tom Tomasie- wicz, James Webb, John Wheeler III, and General William C. Westmoreland. Several of them have written their own books, and most would probably disagree with at least some of what appears in this one. No matter. All of us were there.