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Challenging Children to Chastity: A Parental Guide

By: H. Vernon Sattler

Book Condition: Good
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RM21.90 RM18.62

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Father H. Vernon Sattler, C.Ss.R. is a fine priest who has devoted most of his life to the task of being a theologian and educator. His contributions in the field of moral theology are diverse in subject matter, yet one in their adherence to the teaching of Jesus Christ. In the spirit of his patron, St. Alphonsus Ligouri, he has shown a passion for exploring and presenting the unity of doctrine and life.

It is no surprise, then, that he should make this contribution aimed at helping today's parents to covey the virtue of chastity to their children. What does come as a surprise, though, is that Fr. Sattler tells us to read this book and then forget about it. By design this is no ordinary "how to" manual. It is meant to be a source of leaven, a packet of yeast which is broken open and kneaded into the dough of daily living. The words of the book, the examples, the inferences are meant to remain obscure in themselves, but through their instrumentality the reader is to catch on to a new way of thinking about chastity education.

We live in an age when God's beautiful ennobling gift of human sexuality is so often trivialized and reduced to a mere primal drive for physical gratification having no inherent moral worth. In such an atmosphere, the breadth of what it means to truly love can be lost by a depersonalized or mechanically orientated approach to teaching our children about their role in the creative will of God. Fr. Sattler's rather unique method of unabashed and free flowing reflection and commentary is meant to challenge parents to go beyond the absorption of facts. He encourages them to embrace an entirely Catholic outlook in such a way that their children will "catch" it from them.