The first three editions of this book appear to have established its usefulness in two apparently contradictory functions: firstly, to provide an up-to-date picture of this segment of industry for those in academic circles concerned with its technological background; secondly, to provide an introduction to what goes on in the industry to new entrants to this field, whether they be scientifically qualified or not.
The scientific language used, therefore, tends to be that of the industry rather than that recommended in academic circles. A new section on chemical nomenclature offers explanations of the differences involved, and perhaps also a justification of the usage found in this book.
Since the last edition we have suffered the traumas of the 1973 oil crisis and the first real recession that this particular industry has ever suffered. The industry has become much more mature (some would say prematurely aged!). It seemed appropriate, therefore, to include, early on, a chapter on the place of petroleum chemicals within the chemical industry. One of the later chapters of the previous edition, on changing economic factors in this industry, has been integrated into this new chapter so that the total number of chapters remains the same.