This volume of Childcraft is designed to help you meet the challenge of parenthood. It is divided into three sections: (1) Growth and Development; (2) a Medical Guide; and (3) an Index to Childcraft.
Growth and Development describes how children develop from birth to 8 years of age. This description helps you understand your child and provides guidelines for solving some of the problems that arise at each stage of development. The Medical Guide contains articles dealing with a child's health, safety and well-being. The articles are alphabetically
arranged for quick and efficient use. Cross references are included to help you locate information you may have difficulty finding. 'See also' entries appear at the end of many articles to lead you to related topics for additional information. The last section is the Index to Childcraft.
Obviously, no one person is qualified to give expert advice on all the subjects presented in this volume. For this reason, the editors sought the assistance of more than twenty-five physicians, psychiatrists, educationalists and dentists. The result of their work is a body of information that we feel will give you a good understanding of your child's behaviour and confidence in your abilities to guide your child through the crucial years leading to adulthood.
Please note that throughout this volume the terms 'he', 'him' etc. have been used to describe children in general. This has been done deliberately to make for easier reading by avoiding the awkward and repetitive phrases such as 'he or she' and 'him or her. So when you see 'he' please also read 'she' when applicable.