Chung Kuo: The Middle Kingdom

By: David Wingrove

Book Condition: Very good, Small tears on dust jacket
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The Year is 2190. China has once again become aร‚ย ร‚ย world unto itself and this time its only boundaryร‚ย ร‚ย is space . . . The world is City Earth, ruled byร‚ย ร‚ย the Seven, China's new kings. Beautiful, controlled,ร‚ย ร‚ย sensual, this high-tech society is rushing towardร‚ย ร‚ย war between the forces of West and East, betweenร‚ย ร‚ย the rebels who hunger for change and the overlordsร‚ย ร‚ย who demand stability, between the very powers ofร‚ย ร‚ย darkness and light. It will be an era of violentร‚ย ร‚ย conflagration destined to expose the basest elementsร‚ย ร‚ย of human nature . . . and the highest dreams. Anร‚ย ร‚ย epic that draws us into an alternative world soร‚ย ร‚ย real, so complete that we become denizens of the newร‚ย ร‚ย Middle Kingdom, touched by longings we neverร‚ย ร‚ย imagined. . . driven by forces as ancient as man's firstร‚ย ร‚ย breath. Not since Asminov'sร‚ย ร‚ย Foundation books and Herbert's Duneร‚ย ร‚ย has there been such a majestic and powerfulร‚ย ร‚ย vision of a believable other world. . . seductive,ร‚ย ร‚ย chilling, unforgettable! ISBN:9780385298735

Additional information

Weight 1026 g
Dimensions 243 × 163 × 48 mm
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ISBN 9780385298735