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Chung Kuo: The Middle Kingdom
By: David Wingrove
Book Condition: Very good, Small tears on dust jacket
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The Year is 2190. China has once again become aรย รย world unto itself and this time its only boundaryรย รย is space . . . The world is City Earth, ruled byรย รย the Seven, China's new kings. Beautiful, controlled,รย รย sensual, this high-tech society is rushing towardรย รย war between the forces of West and East, betweenรย รย the rebels who hunger for change and the overlordsรย รย who demand stability, between the very powers ofรย รย darkness and light. It will be an era of violentรย รย conflagration destined to expose the basest elementsรย รย of human nature . . . and the highest dreams. Anรย รย epic that draws us into an alternative world soรย รย real, so complete that we become denizens of the newรย รย Middle Kingdom, touched by longings we neverรย รย imagined. . . driven by forces as ancient as man's firstรย รย breath. Not since Asminov'sรย รย Foundation books and Herbert's Duneรย รย has there been such a majestic and powerfulรย รย vision of a believable other world. . . seductive,รย รย chilling, unforgettable!