IT IS not possible yet to appreciate the displacement that has taken place in British public life on the death of Winston Churchill.
Since 1955 he had taken no part in Government, yet he was there. He could, in emergency, be consulted. His vast experience could be tapped. The very fact that he was still with them reassured and encouraged British people everywhere. And not only British people. Millions of others, in the United States and throughout the free world, held Sir Winston in an almost personal regard.
He was, of course, half American. Yet he was in- curably British. His dominating energy, his brashness, his hard realism seemed to spring from across the Atlantic. His tenacity, his almost impudent courage, his extraordinary versatility were in the English tradition. Anglo-American co-operation and friendship was the core that knit together every political principle he had. He did not believe that the two great nations were cousins. He believed that they were brothers.