Is there Any Way Out of This Chaos? Every thinking man is asking this question time and again. If we look at the world around us, we find that wherever we go there is dissension, disunity, hatred and war. In the civilized world one nation distrusts another. Outwardly they may have superficial good relations but inwardly they despise and hate each other.
Is there any way out of this chaos? If we change our outlook and look inward, we will be able to solve the world problems of disunity and strife. In the words of H.G. Well what we have to bear in mind are these few precious ideals.
"The coming world state will be based upon a common World Religion, very much simplified, universalized, better understood. This world state will be sustained by a universal Education... Essential Identity is the most important aspect of the great World Religions. The White Truth in each... burnt free from its dross, becomes manifestly the same Truth... all that these Religions declare, by inspiration and insight. history, as it grows clearer, and science, as its range extends, display, as a reasonable and demonstrable fact, viz., that they form one Universal Brotherhood, spring from one common origin... and merge again at last in one common human destiny."