For many parents, the moment a child is born, a question pops up: Now what? Since time immemorial, parenting means different things to different peopple. To some, it's a source of delight, bliss and contentment from day one. To others, it's a bitter sweet, sometimes mind-boggling affair, full of surprises, that stretches them to the limit virtually every minute of the day. "Cool Mum, Super Dad" is written especially with the latter in mind. Jamilah Samian, herself a parent to five boys and a girl for over twenty years in various settings - as a senior staff in a multinational organisation, as a fulltime stay-at-home parent, as a successful home-based entrepreneur, and as an expatriate spouse in the Middle-East - now shares the secret of making parenting a springboard of joy and growth for both you and your child. ISBN:9789833364169