ave you ever cut a good deal... the kind you really want to brag about? Maybe you got a great price, or a special favor, or were especially clever. Remember how good it felt to get what you really wanted? Maybe it wasn't just a good deal, but a great deal, one that left those on the other side just as excited as you. Those deals are exhilarating and inspiring, rare visions of the Brotherhood of Business acting in harmony.
Now, have you ever made a really bad deal? Admit it. We all have. Oh sure, you thought it was O.K. at the time. But then... you start thinking. "How come I didn't ask for this!" "Why didn't I think of that?" Your afterthoughts bounce around like bingo balls in a wire cage. The rattling gets louder and louder. "How could I have been so stupid?!" "My God, I've been taken, I've been chumped... I've been had!"