Compelling evidence that "we are forever."A close personal friend of renowned psychic Edgar Cayce, Elsie Sechrist spent four decades studying the Cayce material and lecturing on it throughout the world. In Death Does Not Part Us -- based on personal conversations with Cayce, interviews and correspondence with thousands of people, and her own experiences-- the author provides a detailed excursion into the afterlife.
From the realm described by Cayce as "God's other chamber," the departed make contact with the living through dreams, visions,and waking experiences. Each of these awe-inspiring messages shows how the deceased, identified through exclusive information and unmistakable personality traits, retains his/her individuality and is motivated to bring comfort, advice, solutions to problems, healing, and much more to those they left behind.
Discover the powerful effect our prayers have on the deceased, and examples of how Edgar Cayce continues his healing work in the afterlife. This life-changing book offers us the rare opportunity to not only explore the next life, but contemplate this one with greater spiritual insight. ISBN:9780312969011