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Decay of Timber in Buildings: Dry Rot, Wet Rot and Other Fungi

By: C. R. Coggins

Book Condition: Very good
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In an age when the value of man's natural resources is being increasingly recognised, the mainstay of building construction the world over-timber continues to be used, often unprotected from the ravages of wood-rotting fungi and wood-boring insects.

The trees from which timber is obtained are a renewable resource; with careful management we shall never exhaust our supplies. Nevertheless, the rising cost of timber and, in the context of Great Britain, its contribution to the import bill means that we should be aware of: (a) the circumstances under which decay can occur; (b) the characteristics of the fungi involved; (c) the faults in design, construction and maintenance which can lead to conditions favourable to decay; (d) the diagnostic features of decay, and (e) the means available to control it.

This book aims to give the reader - an anxious householder, a student or a professional - the facts about the decay of timber in buildings.

Additional information

Weight 447 g
Dimensions 240 × 159 × 13 mm




Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 0906564026