With clarity and insight, Ravi Zacharias shows how many of today's most popular ideas, seemingly innocent thoughts and beliefs, are vandalizing our culture. With inspiring persuasion and unshakable certainty he shows why "neutrality on these issues is impossible" and why "even the so-called nonsecular and religiously dominated cultures of the world had better pay due heed to the truths" he uncovers. Here you will find the common ground of what threatens all of us. And from that common ground the answers will become clear and inescapable.
Exposing the fraudulent innocence and insidious power of evil belief systems, Ravi Zacharias pointedly asks, "What is it we live for, and what, in that pursuit, are we doing to our own children? One look at the world we are giving to them spells horror." It will not do to just condemn the evil. In apprehension and fear we examine our options and make a change. ISBN:9780849940187