The truth is, there is only ONE Universal life and you are part of this ONE life and you are responsible for the existence of your whole beingness.
The truth is, you are a spiritual being who at times undergoes human experiences to raise the level of consciousness. You will come to know that you are connected with everyone's Divine Consciousness at the soul level which originates from the same source. The real peace and happiness or the Kingdom of Heaven could be sought within you and only you can find the Divine within and not through any external gurus.
The truth is, when your consciousness reaches a certain level, you will realize that what truly matters in human life are the attributes of God, which include love, compassion, forgiveness, oneness, creativity, wisdom, patience, joy, inner peace and receptiveness which arise from within, when you live your life inspired by the Divine Consciousness or the God within.
The truth is, the real you within, manifests in the physical realm to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold and through meditation, you awaken to the real you.
ISBN: 9789675945311