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Divine Life for Children

By: Swami Sivananda

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The child is the father of man. It is often the first ideas which strike the mind of a child, and the nature of the impressions and thought-waves coming in contact with the tender intellect for the first time, that make up and contribute to the being of the later man. It was the perfect all-round training that Shivaji received from his mother, since his childhood, that moulded him into a jewel among Indian heroes.

It is said that you cannot begin too early in training the individual. Also education without the true religion is a mere husk, the dead bare bones of culture. Moreover, the child-mind learns more from examples than from naked truth.

Bearing all these points in vision, Sri Swamiji felt the absolute need for such a book for little children, as would help them to grasp the truths of ethical and spiritual culture in an easy manner. Himself being a firm believer in the truth that childhood is the foundation of the larger nations of the world, Swamiji has produced an excellent marvel to the young students of lower secondary and elementary schools in particular.

This book contains lessons on practically all that a child has to understand in the beginning of his studies in life-lessons on divine truths, saints, sages, devotees, epics, Puranas, health, character, morality, general knowledge, Bhakti, Yoga, Sadhana, etc.

We are sure that this wonderful guide-light to the real regeneration of education and culture of young boys and girls would find a necessary place in the curriculum of studies in all schools.

Additional information

Weight 157 g
Dimensions 180 × 123 × 9 mm




Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 8170520401