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Doing Business with the Thais: A Handbook for Executives

By: Paul Leppert

Book Condition: Good
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The first part of this book describes cultural and social factors which affect doing business in Thailand. Who can doubt that culture plays a profound role in shaping a nation's economy? Nations with prodigious natural re- sources such as Mexico, Russia, and Brazil often verge on economic collapse. Yet others, with few natural resources, such as Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore, produce successful, dynamic economies. If the people of Hong Kong were given Mexico, Mexico would soon have a world-class economy. Such is the power of culture.
Culture, a product of history, is passed from generation to generation by such institutions as the family, schools, and religion. The business behavior of your Thai counter. part will be profoundly conditioned by the culture he or she learned as a child. To do business with Thais you need to learn how Thai culture affects Thai behavior.
The second part of this book deals with the economic and business environment in Thailand. It explains how the Thai economy and business system originated and developed, successes, problems, opportunities, and pit- falls. Of particular importance are Thailand's business procedures, bargaining techniques, and sources of help. These, too, are rooted in culture.
The third and final section is concerned with your personal experience of Thailand: travel tips; things to do, see, and learn; living conditions, useful addresses, and recommended reading. This section should help you adjust to Thailand, particularly if you were not too excited about going there in the first place!
This book is based primarily on interviews with Ameri- can and Thai business people and government officials. It is designed to get you started and to serve as a general guide. Since no two situations are exactly the same, this book does not provide solutions to specific business prob- lems. It intends to provide helpful facts and ideas not legal advice. Conditions in Thailand are constantly changing. There are new government regulations almost daily. Or- ganizations listed should be contacted for the most recent information.
This book does not represent the views of any agencies of the governments of Thailand or the United States. Money is denominated in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.

Additional information

Weight 209 g
Dimensions 211 × 135 × 11 mm


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Published Year

No. of Pages

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ISBN 096140745X