As someone who has taught the art of negotiation in university courses and in training seminars for executives, lawyers, and policy makers, both in the United States and overseas, I have long believed that the basic strategies for negotiating successfully are the same, regardless of what it is you are negotiating. Done Deal is an attempt to prove that thesis and to offer a unique addition to the existing literature on negotiation-a book that explains "how to negotiate" by combining theory and practice.Each chapter in Done Deal highlights one of these essential ating strategies and offers advice-from the Master Negotiators themselves on how to perfect that strategy and avoid common pitfalls. negoti
For example, be sure to enter the room well armed (Chapter 1). Former Secretary of State James Baker practices this strategy by adhering to "the rule of the 5 Ps" taught to him by his father: "Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance." For a union entering into contract negotiations, Communications Workers of America President Morton Bahr says being "well armed" means knowing "the financial statistics of the company, where the company fits into the broader industry picture, and how much the company is able to pay."