Knowing what not to do is important in Thailand.
It prevents embarrassment. It can deflect even a disaster. Many warnings have been proven right time and again by the very incidents, particularly rapes, that need not have happened. These rip-offs, scams, injuries and deaths could have been avoided had the victims known what not to do. It's so sad, because it's not even difficult.
IT'S ALL IN THIS BOOK, repeated, rewritten and revised.
It's about the only one of its kind in town to call a spade a spade. Why, you might even feel insulted, or hurt, by some comments!
This Third Edition is bold enough to include two new topics that were considered too crude to be included earlier: sex and massage, with all their loopholes and pitfalls. The chapter Mainly for Women has been extensively expanded for a few tourist girls have lost their lives since the first edition.