If you have what it takes for success but you don't know how to release it-if you have never had a break because something keeps holding you back-if you have had the hard way to go all your life and happiness and money have always been just out of reach, then think big! Think RICH!
You CAN have success and more gracious living! You CAN have self-understanding and happiness and the material things you want in the future. Call it self-control. Call it personality development or human engineering. Call it what you wish but it all resolves down to the fact that you are now more than you think you are! By thinking big and thinking rich you can change the course of your life.
You CAN reach into the future and find happiness. You CAN have a beautiful tomorrow and through this book, and the key it offers you, you can reach for fame and fortune or you can reach for just that plain peace-of-mind which you desire. All you have to do is turn the key and open the door.