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East End Chronicles: Three Hundred Years of Mystery and Mayhem
By: Ed Glinert
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RM15.90 RM14.31
1 in stock
The East Roman burial ground, mediaeval rubbsih tip, Victorian hell hole, WW2 bombing target, 21st century gentrification template. Always a rum place, the industrial revolution replaced the rose bushes and hedgerows with metallic roads and iron railways, the mud banks gave way to deep-water docks and sweatshops. "East End Chronicles" will tell the story of this part of London that has always enthralled writers and readers through the bizarre, the unusual, the arcane and the mysterious. It includes chapters on the Silk Weavers of Spitalfields; Docks, Dockers and River Pirates; Murder and Mayhem on the Radcliffe Highway; Mystics and Myth-Makers; The Blitz and Bombs; The Jewish Ghetto, and more. It reveals the underbelly of the history of the East End.