If you have enjoyed Chia Joo Suan's What's In Your Food? and You're What You Eat, you are in for another delicious treat with Eat Well, Live Well.
This book addresses popular natural remedies and recipes from Malaysia's different communities, and offers scientific studies to show that these may not be mere old wives' tales, after all. From making children grow taller by boiling peanut root with chicken in soup to advice on abstaining from chicken to help treat a bad cough, the author clarifies truths and debunks the myths behind seemingly ambiguous traditional recipes for good health.
Eat Well, Live Well is for anyone with an interest in food safety and nutrition and who wants to know more about food ingredients, additives, toxins and nutrients. Those who are health conscious and yearn for a healthier life and well-being will also find this book most useful.
Chia Joo Suan is a food chemist who advocates safe eating habits for a healthy life. She is the author of two healthy lifestyle guides: What's In Your Food? and You're What You Eat.