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Economics: Private and Public Choice 8th Ed.

By: James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup

Book Condition: Very good
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This text contains several features that we think will help you maximize (a good economic term) the returns derived from your study effort. Our past experience

indicates that awareness of the following points will help you to use the book more effectively. Each chapter begins with a series of focus questions that communicate the central issues of the chapter. Before you read the chapter, briefly think about the

focus questions, why they are important, and how they relate to the material of prior chapters. The textbook is organized in the form of an outline. The headings within the text (highlighted with a color background) are the major points of the outline. Minor headings are subpoints under the major headings. In addition, important subpoints within sections are often set off and numbered. Bold italics is used to highlight material that is particularly important. Sometimes thumbnail sketches are included to help the reader better organize important points. Careful use of the headings, highlighted material, and the thumbnail sketches will help you master the material.

A summary appears at the end of each chapter. Use the summary as a check- list to determine whether you understand the major points of the chapter. A review of the exhibits will also provide you with a summary of each chap- ter. The accompanying legend briefly describes the content and analysis of each exhibit. After studying the chapter, briefly review the exhibits to ensure that you have mastered the central points.

โšซ The key terms introduced in each chapter are defined in the margins. As you study the chapter, go over the marginal definition of each key term as it is intro- duced. Later, you may also find it useful to review the marginal definitions. If you have forgotten the meaning of a term introduced earlier, consult the glos- sary at the end of the book.

โšซ The boxed features provide additional depth on various topics without dis- rupting the flow of the text. In general, the topics of the boxed features have been chosen because of their relevance as an application of the theory or because of past student interest in the topic. Reading the boxed features will supplement the text and enhance your understanding of important economic concepts. โ€ข The critical analysis questions at the end of each chapter are intended to test your understanding of the economic way of thinking. Solving these questions and problems will greatly enhance your knowledge of the material. Answers to approximately half of these questions are provided in Appendix B.

If you need more practice, be sure to obtain a Coursebook and solve the questions and problems for each chapter. The Coursebook also contains the answers to the multiple-choice questions and a brief explanation of why an answer is correct (and other choices incorrect). In most cases, if you master the concepts of the test items in the Coursebook, you will do well on the quizzes and examinations of your instructor.

Additional information

Weight 2131 g
Dimensions 262 × 210 × 42 mm


Book Condition

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ISBN 9780030192692