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Electronic Management System

By: Wan Maseri Wan Mohd

Book Condition: Very good
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RM15.90 RM13.52

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Spending Millions for ICT Project? And yet get nothing.

This nightmare discourages many organizations from investing in enterprise-wide IT projects. Some of them would rather continue operating in the manual environment. Most of them will make a very small investment or treat the IT project as a low priority one where it is just enough to support their critical mission. Still others leave it to each department to use its own initiatives to start its own project, which will then become "islands" in the organization, and they will face a big problem when the issue of integration arises.

Without realizing it, millions of dollars have been spent on big enterprise-wide IT projects, but the returns to investment is unfortunately far less than expected. Most of the time, these projects become more of a burden to the organization rather than a benefit, as intended. Some of these organizations try to develop all the applications in-house, but once the developer leaves, the project either gets stuck or is terminated. Some organizations try to out-source the project fully. The problem starts when the vendor could not deliver, and the project fails. Some of them try to develop the project jointly, but they face a lot of challenges that can sometimes freeze their project.

Apart from that, many organizations simply focus on record management instead of a full-fledge paperless environment. Some organizations simply implement network infrastructure with basic e-Services like e-Mail and the Internet, leaving behind all other important applications. Some of them are caught in an e-Business terminology and forget about their core and critical operations that need to be intelligently taken care of. They ended up doing the interface or surface work only without focusing on the internal processes.

All these scenarios deter many organizations from investing in enterprise-wide or large-scale IT projects. Why does this happen? is there not a strategic method to ensure the success of the project so that every organization can enjoy the benefits of Information Technology that is available today? This book will discuss in detail the strategic and practical approaches to implement successful enterprise-wide IT projects, which is identified as e-Management. It shall cover all critical elements to be considered seriously by the organization before the project takes off.

Additional information

Weight 213 g
Dimensions 215 × 152 × 8 mm




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Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 9789834191603