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Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD Countries


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Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD Countries is organised as follows:

Recent energy price developments includes an overview of the recent price trends, summary data and graphs.

Part I presents crude oil import costs, oil product spot market prices and crude spot market prices.

Part II includes total energy indices; individual OECD country end-use prices and taxes for fossil fuels in the industry, household and electricity generation sectors; electricity for households and industry, as well as summary tables for international comparisons.

This annual publication complements a data service, updated on a quarterly basis, which includes unlimited access through an annual subscription as well as the possibility to obtain data on a pay-per-view basis.

Additional information

Weight 1484 g
Dimensions 271 × 200 × 34 mm


Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 9789264420045