S. Vigneswaran is currently a Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Faculty ofEngineering, and Deputy Director of the Institute of Environment and Water Resource
Management (IWERM), University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Prior to this, he
worked as an Associate Professor in the Environmental Engineering Division at Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok for 10 years (1981-1990). He got his Doctor of
Engineering and Doctor of Science in France in 1980 and 1987 respectively. He has been
working in Environmental and Water related areas since 1976, and has extensive
experience in both Asian and Pacific countries. He has been working in a number of projects
funded through national and international agencies. He has published over 300 technical
papers and authored two books on water treatment (both through CRC Press, USA). He
also served as the honorary theme editor of Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems,
UNESCO. He was awarded Life Membership in the International Water Academy in 2003.
Sundaravadivel is Senior Planner at the Strategic Water Management Unit, NSW
Department of Commerce, Sydney, Australia. Prior to this, he was working as a researcher
at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and later on as an Environmental Engineer
with the Central Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government
of India. He obtained his PhD from Macquire University, Sydney, Australia in Environmental
Management. He also holds a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering and a Masters Degree
in Environmental Engineering. He has been working in the field of environmental
management and industrial pollution control since 1989, particularly in the areas of
environmental audit, waste minimization and cleaner production in agro-based industries.
He has also been an engineering consultant for planning, designing and development of
wastewater collection and treatment systems for many large cities of India.
J. Kandasamy is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering University of
Technology, Sydney, Australia. He obtained his PhD from the University of Auckland.,
New Zealand where the also obtained his Bachelor in Civil Engineering and Masters in Civil
Engineering. He has worked in the New South Wales Government as a Senior Engineer for
15 years and has wide industrial knowledge.
D. S. Chaudhary is currently working as a Senior Engineer at Maunsel Australia in Sydney.
Prior to this, he was working as a researcher at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from Institute of Engineering (I0E), Tribhuvan
University, Nepal, and Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering from Asian Institute
of Technology (AIT), Bangkok. He has been working in the planning and designing of water
and wastewater collection and treatment systems since 1991.