As a research tool, event history analysis has recently become a key technique for researchers, professionals, and students in a wide range of disciplines. However, despite this increasing interest, few resources exist that clearly examine this technique. Now, Event History Analysis provides a systematic introduction to models, methods, and applications of event history analysis. Yamaguchi emphasizes "hands on" information, including the use and misuse of samples, models and covariates in applications, the structural arrangement of input data, the specification of various models in such computer programs as SAS-LOGIST and SPSS-LOGLINEAR, and the interpretation of parameters estimated from models. This timely book also offers such significant topics as missing data, hazard rate, Cox's partial likelihood model, survivor function, and discrete-time logit models for both one-way and two-way transitions. Event History Analysis is essential for researchers, professionals, and students of public health, sociology, labor economics, political science, and organization studies.ISBN:080393324X