'Holding me around the waist he drew me close to him. "And which of us do you prefer, Michael? You can tell me, it won't get back to Brother Price."'Michael Clemenger was handed over as a baby to the unloving care of a religious-run children's home. Aged eight, he was transferred to St Joseph's Industrial School.
Chosen as their 'favourite' by two Christian Brothers, Michael endured years of sexual abuse at the hands of both men. Brother Price struck at night, while Brother Roberts took pleasure in a weekly bath-time ritual. Although everybody at the institution knew, even the two Brothers' 'protection' did not save Michael from merciless beatings by other sadistic men charged with his care.
Despite the unbelievable trauma of his early life, Michael emerged unbroken and determined to make something of himself. Everybody Knew is a story of remarkable spirit and courage.