Omi province is the old name of the area in Shiga prefecture having Lake Biwa (the biggest lake in Japan) in the middle. It is located next to Kyoto, which was the capital for more than 1000 years (794-1867), so Omi used to be an important transportation hub for travelers.
Noh theater was started by Kanami and his son, Zeami, at the beginning of the 14 th century. Before Noh, the origin of Noh theater performance was called Sarugaku, which had flourished in Yamato (Nara) and Omi (Shiga). Noh plays in Shiga developed from stories related to different areas, as well as from the old origins of the tradition in Sarugaku.
This Noh legacy still continues to flourish in this region in Shiga. We hope that this legacy will spread widely, even abroad.
Noh plays are operatic dance dramas in which actors in the main roles usually wear masks. The Noh songs recited by the actors explain the stories and emotions, and describe scenic places. This manga book tells the stories and tells about their attractive locations in Shiga in an easy way, in order to encourage more people to become interested in appreciating Noh plays.
We deeply thank the people who have contributed to making this Manga book and hope that Omi Noh culture will be passed on in future years.