Can we predict our future fortunes? What influence has feng shui on our destiny pattern?
Eminently qualified feng shui master Raymond Lo explains the fundamental theories and techniques of this ancient art, for centuries known only to privileged scholars of classical Chinese metaphysics. He demonstrates clearly and logically how natural forces in our environment affect our well-being, and uses famous buildings and places as practical examples of how feng shui has a very real relevance to our daily lives.
The second part of this book takes us into an understanding of the Four Pillars of Destiny, an important feng shui tool that provides an explanation of personal events in our lives. Understand the tragedies and successes of the rich and famous. What made Ronald Li a millionaire? Why did George Bush lose to Clinton in the 1992 Presidential Elections? Did Elvis commit suicide?
Revised to reflect the changes and progress of events and lives, Feng Shui: the Pillars of Destiny reveals your pathways to wealth, health and happiness.