Reviews of the first volume of The Vladimir Jabotinsky Story were numerous and almost without exception extremely favorable. It seems reasonable to suppose that at least a contributing factor to this friendly reception was the fact that the period (1880-1923) dealt with in that first part belongs to the not so distant past. The controversies which loomed so large at that time are now viewed in a different, more detached perspective; and most of its main personages are no longer among the living.
The present volume covers the last seventeen years (1923-1940) of Jabotinsky's life. These years are still a living part of the annals of our generation. Many were personally involved in the battles whose storm center was Jabotinsky-they see their own lifetime through him. And, at one time or another, many hated or loved him, attacked or fervently revered him. Embers of relatively recent passions are still smoldering, and, though no effort was spared in this biography to avoid political or personal bias, criticism and resentment from one or another quarter is probably unavoidable: this seems to be a "professional risk" inherent in any attempt to reconstruct the life of so dynamic and controversial a figure as Jabotinsky was. Almost every review, however favorable, contained the challenging remark: "We eagerly look forward to the second volume of this work, which will deal with the most controversial period of Jabotinsky's life."