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Financial Snacks: Practical Bites for Money Matters (inscribed copy)
By: Various Authors
Book Condition: Very good
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RM27.90 RM25.11
1 in stock
If you are the sort who find day-to-day finance a little dry, pick up this book. Also pick up this book if you find the topic interesting. A compilation of 52 articles, Financial Snacks gives the ordinary person on the street a taste of money matters from a refreshing perspective and the financially savvy an added crunch to what they already know.
Financial Snacks is written by a number of experienced financial practitioners in a fun and easy to digest manner. To add flavour, the specially crafted illustration for each sncak makes the articles not just insightful but an appealing sight to browse through.
Choose to devour the entire book at one go or take a bite a week to benefit from the wide range of tips on money matters that will beef up your financial life. However, read at your own risk. Overindulgence in Financial Snacks may result in side effects such as:
being obsessed with tracking your spending habits
saving more than you should
investing in areas which you never thought possible or,
retiring early!