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Foreign Body
By: Robin Cook
Book Condition: Good
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RM17.90 RM16.11
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Pub Date :2008-1-1 436 Economic Daily Jenniler Hernaudez is a fourlh-year medical sludenl al UCLA. jusl compleliug an eleclive in general surgery. whose world is shattered during a break in an olherwise ordinary day. While relaxing in lhe surgical lounge of LAs Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. she hall-listens to a news report on medical tourism. al) oul First World citizens travelling Io Third World countries for surgery. Bul when she hears her I) elovee grandmothers name mentioned her hearl nearly the CNN reporter says Maria Suarez-Hernandez has died a day oiler undergoing a hip replacement in New Delhis Queen Victoria Hospital Mafia raised Jennifer and tier brothers from infancy. and their bond was unshakable Still. the news that.. Maria had travelled to India is a shock to Jennifer. until she realizes thai it was the only ...