Never before has the number of decision-demanding situations been so many and number of options to choose from been greater. Every day, we make up to 10,000 decisions at an ever-faster pace in an increasingly complex and fast-changing world. This is a book about how decision problems can change into decision opportunities. It can be as easy as simply resolving to make decisions, to stop postponing decision makingโto dare.Arriving at good decisions is essential to achieving success and the life that we want to live, but we seldom consider how we go about making decisions or how we could do it better. Businesses are attempting to improve their decision making by acquiring more technology but improving decision-making requires more than this. There is a global knowledge-shortage with respect to what it is that triggers people when they make decisions. This ground-breaking book will help close these knowledge gaps. The authors introduce the Pyramid of Decision Making, based on extensive research and experience within commerce and industry. Through following the steps outlined, you will make wiser decisions in both businesses and life.