Do you already own a business? Have you ever considered the possibility of starting one? Either way, this book is for you. Today, Network Marketing may be the only way for you to create true wealth and financial independence.
Get A Life! will show you how to create a large, permanent, royalty in- come by getting involved with an exciting Network of people and sharing a unique and explosive business idea.
Philip Stills is an entrepreneur with 25 years of education and experience in traditional business, including real estate investing, franchising, chain stores, and managing employees. His passion for developing successful, small businesses brought him to Network Marketing in 1989.
Get A Life! is the result of over five years of hands-on experience in developing his own international Network Marketing business, along with literally thousands of hours of intense study with successful leaders in the industry.
The book teaches you an Eight-Step Success System that anyone can duplicate and that has been used successfully by thousands of people in many countries. You need just a little time and a small amount of money to get started. No experience is required. Network Marketing is a business open to anyone who is ready to learn and wants to succeed.