There's new hope for heart sufferers in Norman Currer's own story of how he "dragged himself off the scrap heap."
In 1960, he was discharged from hospital after a severe heart attack. In 1966, he walked non-stop up the 1,860 stairs of the Empire State Building-and now describes himself, in his mid-fifties, as being "physically and mentally fitter than ever before." His own doctor described his recovery as "dramatic."
But this return from a state of semi-invalidism to a full and active life was no miracle. With Mr Currer's system, many others have done the same. The key lies in carefully graduated exercises and diet, of which this book gives full details. Mr Currer had to work it all out for himself, by a process of trial and error, but he is now able to pass on the whole system for the benefit of similar sufferers. His recovery has been of great interest to the medical profession and to the National Heart Foundation, and the medical officer of the S.A. division has written a foreword to the book. Many doctors are already using and recommending his system.