Global Investment Risk Management shows you how to hedge against the risk-while maximizing the return premium-that is inherent in every foreign investment. A wide spectrum of international investment professionals provide value. nuts-and-bolts guidance for investors and portfolio managers, outlining the wealth and diversity of today's risk management strategies.
This practical guide to understanding and managing all aspects of international invest- ment risk-from currency and equity risk to interest rate and commodity risk-includes:
โ When, how, and why to use futures, options, swaps, and customized derivatives
โ Emerging markets investment strategies to help you seize ground-floor opportunities- while hedging against financial meltdowns
โ Cautionary tales of mega-billion dollar investment debacles and how they could have been avoided
โ Long-term global diversification strategies from asset allocation pioneer Roger C. Gibson
โ Steps to design a detailed risk management program that fits your institution's risk and investment objectives
โ A detailed introduction and explanation of Value at Risk (VaR)
โ Internet resources for valuable and cost- free global investment risk management information ISBN:9780071353151