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God Wants to Heal!

By: Derek Hong

Book Condition: Very good
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At the time of writing, medical authorities report that one in three persons will have a personal encounter with cancer. In 2010, I happened to be in London and this same statistic was flashed on television as part of a government campaign to get people to go for regular checks. This figure is actually getting worse. Among Singaporeโ€™s more than 5 million citizens, one in four suffers from chronic illnesses such as diabetes, blood pressure problems, heart disease, etc. I suspect this is true for most cities in the world. This does not even include the many more millions living in Third World developing nations, ravaged by malnutrition, lack of clean water, poor sanitation and epidemics. Despite the amazing growth of medical technology and the development of pharmaceuticals, state-of-the-art hospitals and clinics, and well-trained medical specialists, there seem to be more people suffering from sickness and disease than ever before. Even more troubling is the fact that as medical science advances and breakthroughs take place, new diseases emerge for which there are yet no cures. How does one explain this? Iโ€™m sure the professionals and experts in such matters can provide some good reasons. And we must thank God for all who are labouring to bring relief and solutions through medical research and practice. My purpose is simple. I want to share what God says in His Word about sickness, healing and health. Over the years God has shown me some amazing truths that, when put into practice, can bring you healing from sickness and what can be called divine health. Some of what you read can be found elsewhere and it is restated here as reinforcement, and I trust from a more holistic approach. A second reason why I felt constrained to write (besides the many prophetic words and injunctions spoken over me) is that there are few works on this subject by Asians. I believe there are cultural-anthropological perspectives that are needed to make the picture more complete. Another area that needs addressing is the controversial issue of alternative or complementary therapies. The third reason is probably the most important. Over the years I have had the privilege of conducting many seminars on divine healing in different churches and countries. From the many questions raised in these meetings, a disturbing fact has there is a great disconnect in the Body of Christ worldwide. The incongruity is that while many claim to know and even teach the Bible as the Word of God, serious ignorance and errors in interpretation abound. These have led countless sincere followers of Jesus Christ into unbelief, resulting in powerless and ineffective witness. My prayer is that as you journey with me through this book, the Holy Spirit will enlarge your capacity to experience our heavenly Fatherโ€”and that you increase in faith in His holy Word. May you enjoy greater confidence to represent Him accurately before a world needy and hungry for the touch of the one and only Healer, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Additional information

Weight 194 g
Dimensions 210 × 149 × 8 mm



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ISBN 9789811105883