God can do anything but fail!
"Stan has the ability to bond laughter with the solid truth of the Scriptures so that I felt that bubble of joy erupt as he describes incidents of God's faithfulness."
BARBARA JOHNSON "The Geranium Lady"
Anyone who meets Stan Toler knows immediately that he is an original. No one else I know has the same kind of wit. charm, and positive outlook on life that he does. And he is also one of the funniest men I have ever met. Stan has the uncanny ability to see the humor in any situation, capture it in his imag-ination, and then recount it with grace and style of a southern storyteller. I have been glad to call Stan my good friend and colleague for more than 25 years.
God is faithful. God never fails. No matter how impossible your situation, how difficult your problem, how overwhelming your obstacles, God will abundantly meet your needs. In fact, God can do anything but fail!