In the ancient oriental lands of the Otori, amidst a time of violent war, famine and treacherous alliances the fare of the young lovers Otori Takeo and Shirikawa Kaede hangs in the balance ...Takeo, heir to the great Otori clan, has pledged his life to the secret tribe. To follow their brutal directions and become their most deadly assassin he must deny his spiritual vows of his peaceful upbringing, his birthright of wealth, land and power - and his love for Kaede. Should he turn his back on the tribe,they would not rest until he was dead. Forced to take a path that leads him to extreme danger, hardship and sacrifice in the bitter winter of the high mountains, Takeo grows from boy to man.
Kaede, heiress to vast lands, is now the valuble pawn of ruthless warlords. She must use her intelligence, beauty and cunning to assert her place in a world of all-powerful men - who must never suspect te dangerous secret she hides. ISBN:9780733619878