'No aspect of life is too sacred to escape the mockery of Irish laughter,' wrote the late Vivian Mercier in his classic book The Irish Comic Tradition, and anyone who reads this joyous book will heartily agree with him.
Great Irish Humorous Stories brings together some of the best examples of Irish humour by the country's leading writers over more than two hundred years, following in a tradition that has been a feature of Irish storytelling since time immemorial. The pages fairly sparkle with masterpieces of subtle wit, biting satire, parody and outright ribaldry, and the list of authors reads like a literary roll of honour. Sean O'Faolain, Frank O'Connor, Samuel Beckett, Flann O'Brien, Brian Friel, Brendan Behan, Sean O'Casey, James Joyce and James Stephens are all represented, as well as the older, classic writers like Laurence Sterne, Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde. From the younger generation are vibrant stories by Roddy Doyle, Bernard McLaverty, Donagh MacDonagh and Neil Jordan - and many more.