Don't let the uncertainty and chaos of the New Century steer the direction of your organization.
In the wake of the resulting turmoil from new technology, linked with changing global economic and social conditions, success demands that leaders move to a higher level. Organizations that embrace the future and continually adapt will triumph in today's age of uncertainty.
In Great Leaders See the Future First, business strategist and futurist Carolyn Corbin cites critical issues that impact all organizations-for-profits, nonprofits, government, religious, educational, health care, and community.
Some of the issues that Corbin predicts will impact organizations:
• By the year 2025, 70 percent of the workforce will be nonpermanent.
• No one ethnic group will be the majority by the year 2050.
• By the year 2010, a great majority of employees will be knowledge workers.
Organizational rewards will become completely performance based by 2025.
• The amount of information at our disposal today is only 1 percent of what will be available by the year 2050.
• In the U.S., government programs such as welfare and subsidies will either be totally eliminated or become the domain of volunteer organizations and religious institutions.
• Freedom of religious expression in the workplace increasingly will become a hot issue.
• Japan, China, Indonesia, India, and other countries will continue to emerge as major players in world trade activities. ISBN:9780793136858