"Grow" isn't a book about business it's a book about life, it's a book about focusing on what it takes to succeed, what really matters. My life and experiences as a hairdresser, business owner and hairdressing industry entrepreneur are the metaphor I will use to get my point across. Take away our
individual product or service and our success is very much dependent on the same principles. We are all trying to sell a product or service of some description. We are all trying to get others to like and endorse us, we all recognize for at least should) that repeat business, maximising opportunities and building people networks is the key to real growth and success.
This is a straightforward, no nonsense challenging account of what it takes to be really productive, if you put these tools into action then it's going to make a difference. These pages are the key to making you more successful and if you're a business owner, then this book will be an invaluable tool in helping develop a team of highly productive individuals. In hairdressing terms I call them "SuperStylists" because they are the people that refuse to be average. Every business needs a "Super" something. you just have to know how to grow your own.